The LORD GOD has said  "I desire the 

re-Christianisation of the UK"  

Ask HIM for wisdom and boldness, be humble and Whisper the awesome, omnipotent name of JESUS over the whole of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland and wherever you live in the wider world


We look up... and see the  GLORY of GOD ...    

only GOD         

 Time is running out    A UK based initiative that is relevant for your nation too

Perhaps the simplest but most profound initiative ever undertaken by the 33 million UK citizens who declare or identify as Christian ... 

This "Call of GOD" is for us all to whisper the name of JESUS over ourselves,each other and every situation, welcoming a new flow of HIS grace and mercy into the UK

This is a very bold initiative, accessible to all ages, using HIS name to challenge and reverse the irreligious cultural trends, influences and blasphemy among swathes of our fellow citizens who relentlessly and maliciously attempt to discredit and insult HIS wonderful name in a futile attempt to crush  HIM  into the very ground HE created.  

We humbly set out on course for 'The re-Christianisation of the UK" with 

JESUS at the centre 

Not a completely new thing, but with millions of people in UK worshipping other gods, worshiping idols, and misusing the name of our Lord God and JESUS more.... using "Jesus Christ" and "Christ" and "Christ" "Jesus" as blasphemous expletives. Lets not be naive, the American "Jeez" is slang "Jesus". All this being broadcast and multi-media worldwide 24hrs each day.

This has brought a curse on each of them and worse, the whole nation. Further, it's replicated across the world by millions more.

It is the root of what we are seeing here in the UK, 

unrest, dissatisfaction, disobedience, violence, 

and a whole raft of profound stupidity. It's called sin.

The soul that sins, dies....Twice