JESUS names, ministries, events and titles  

The Power of HIS name


Whispering  "JESUS" reverently as a prayer draws together 

a lot of what we know of JESUS...but there is a lot more

all squeezed into one small word - HIS wonderful name - JESUS

His Timelessness      

His Virgin Birth 

His Sinless Life          

His Ministry

His Power 

His Mercy

His Parables

His Friendships

His Eternal Words

His Love

His Kindness

His Promises

His Grace

His Joy

His Prayer

His Obedience

His Betrayal 

His Trial

His wounds 

His Crown 

His Cross

His Patience

His Forgiveness

His Salvation

His Blood

His Sacrifice 

His Surrender

His Death

His Tomb

His Visit 

His Rescue

His Parade





His Resurrection,

His wonderful rise

His Sovereignty      

His Majesty

His Holy Spirit

His Love

His Forgiveness 

His Salvation 

His Patience

His Holy Spirit

His Ascension 

His Crown 

His Royal Robes

His Throne  

His Position 

His Sovereignty

His Kingdom

His Church

His Fame

His Family

His Legacy

His Love for us all


King of Kings

Lord of Lord

Returning to earth soon, when everyone will bow to Him 

and call out .........“JESUS CHRIST IS LORD” then comes the judgment

True believers die once and live twice - Unbelievers live once and die twice.