UK Office National Statistics Census 2021

UK Population :  67,000,000

46.5% of those who completed the 2021 census identified as CHRISTIAN 

down from 59%  2011 census. 

If this continues at this rate (-21.1%),

 2031 will be 36.7% and 2041, 29%

This being the possible rate of decline, we need to consider the future very carefully, the effect on the UK if there is a further fall over the next 10/20 years. Future generations could be living within the UK, possibly governed by  those of "other god's or none" with their laws, practices and cultural demands.

Stop reading now if that doesn't sound alarm bells and send shivers down your spine.

NOW is the time to wake up and be wise in helping fellow citizens into a real relationship with our LIVING GOD and His SON JESUS. This site is dedicated to enabling a way forward with help tools.

As a start please email us through our contact us page (see notes on contact page), and indicate your intention work together on this narrow path. Just tell us the town, city or area you live in as an indicator of the information spread, no other details required. Let's keep everything simple for now. 

 "Whisper JESUS" where and whenever you can, and over whoever and whatever situations you encounter, all day every day. 

Search out other Christians in your locality and encourage one another

As UK citizens we have the right to retain and promote the CHRISTIAN faith.

 But it comes at a price. The call is that we stand up and be counted. Standing firm together as individuals in the power of the name of JESUS .......

......details available on this site  now open